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Synchronize Files Between Computers Not Connected

For computers that are not connected to a network, file synchronization can be achieved using a portable USB drive.

The objective is to synchronize files between a computer at home (Computer 1) and a computer at work (Computer 2), as shown in this illustration.

File synchronization is achieved in 2 steps:

  1. First synchronizing files on Computer 1 vs. a folder on the portable USB drive (1)
  2. Then using the USB drive at work and performing the same synchronization between the files Computer 2 and the same folder on the portable USB drive (2)

At the end of the process the same up-to-date files will be on both computers and on the USB drive, useful for backup purposes.

Steps 1 and 2 are repeated each time a synchronization is needed between the two computers.

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Dave -  29-Jun-08
Does this require two licenses?
TGRMN Software -  01-Jul-08
If both computers are owned, and used, by the same person, one license covers both installations. thanks
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Author: TGRMN Software

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