Main Page > Browse Categories > Solutions to Known Issues > [VVLauncher] Installing VVLauncher as a Service, I Get the Error that VVLauncher Cannot Access a Network Drive. Why?

[VVLauncher] Installing VVLauncher as a Service, I Get the Error that VVLauncher Cannot Access a Network Drive. Why?

By default the VVLauncher service is installed under the LocalSystem account. The LocalSystem account does NOT have access to network drives. To access the network you need to run the VVLauncher service under a user account which has access to the network drive.

  • Open the Control Panel
  • Select Administrative Tools -> Services
  • Locate the service named VVLauncher
  • Double click on it or click the button "Properties"
  • Select the tab "Log In As" (this can have an other caption depending on the Windows version)
  • Enter the user account and password.
  • Click OK.
  • Restart the VVLauncher service.

Note: Do not use mapped drives to access the network. Instead use UNC paths ( eg \\server\share\ ). Services do not recognize mapped drives.

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